Notre boutique

Notre boutique

Choisissez parmi nos différentes gammes et conditionnements. Livraison en 48 h pour une fraîcheur incomparable, et dégustez l'excellence du terroir normand chez vous.

N°3 Ad’Hélie x48

 Dinner with friends

Ad ‘Helie Oysters benefit from the full attention of the production teams. They develop a simple and authentic taste, with a slightly abundant flesh, of fine quality, specific to Normandy oysters.

  • Packaging: 2 x 24 Oysters
  • Net Weight: 4 kg


The selection of the finest oysters is done on-site by our teams
Freshness guaranteed.
Delivery within 48 hours.
Customer service
+33 6 70 59 71 96
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